



Click here to download the Charismatic Hour message:  – 080322- (LORD, I BELIEVE YOU)                                                           CHARISMATIC HOUR                                    Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement Theme:           LORD, I BELIEVE YOU Texts:             Isa.  49:5, 53:1-3 INTRODUCTION:

A major obstacle in the believer’s journey to his destiny is in the phase of transiting from the realm of walking in the flesh (senses) to walking in the spirit (ie according to the dictates of the scriptures and the Holy Spirit).

A great fraction of the people that profess to be born again fail to maximize their potential because of this inability to change over, and be ruled by the principles of the kingdom of light (Rom.8:12). This is very unfortunate and should not be a lot of watchmen.

From our texts, the prophet wondered at the unbelief of God’s people as to the authenticity of the Messiah, principally because He didn’t appear as they expected; even though strange manifestations occurred through Him when He came to recover Jacob (cons. Isa. 49:5, 53:1, Jn.15:24).

Today, we shall be looking at (A) The Exalted Way Of The Lord (B) The Expectation Of The Lord From Us.

(A)       THE EXALTED WAY OF THE LORD (Isa.53:1-3)

By the way of the Lord, we mean the manner or pattern of doing things. Common sense teaches that God cannot be compared with man – His creature (Isa.40:18,25, 46:5). So, His ways far excel the ways of men (Isa.55:8,9 ). This, the Psalmist understood and therefore prayed for divine guidance in Ps.25:1-4. The great prophet Moses was properly briefed on God’s ways, hence his general success in ministry (Ps.103:7).

God’s ways are great as expressed in the behemoth (Job 40:19, Job 9:4-19)

God’s ways are righteous i.e. the right ways of doing things (Ps.145:17, Jer.9:23,24)

God’s ways are often mysterious (cons. Rom.11:33, cp Acts 5:15 -16, 17-25, Jn.8:53-59, Mk.2:12)

And from our texts, while the Messiah came to return Jacob to God (Isa.49:5), the Almighty chose the modality of expressing His great power (Isa.53:1) and at the same time making the Vessel of His glory to look simpler than the expectations of the mortal jews (Isa.53:2-3 cp Jn.7:26,27,40-43, 51-53, Matt.13:53-56).

In like manner today, the All-Powerful God uses uncommon ways to accomplish His objectives in the believer’s health, home, business, academics, spiritual life. So no matter what befalls the believer, the Lord would want him to know that He (God) can make good out of it (Jer.32:17,27, Rom.8:28).


Expectation is the womb of manifestation.

Having been informed that God works with His word, and knowing that God’s ways are great, righteous and mysterious, the watchman must take hold of God’s word or promises (written or spoken or prophesied or revealed); stand by such in prayers until the day dawns in his heart (cons. Prov.4:18, Isa.62:1, Jer.1:11-12, Matt.24:35; Isa.59:19, 60:1-5,11-15,22, 2Tim.3:8,9, Heb.11:12).

Then proceeds to confess that he believes (Rom.10:10-11, 2Cor.5:7, Prov.18:21).

Let’s rise to pray… saying “Lord I believe You!”


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